Thursday, May 9, 2013

Romeo and Juliet Literary Essay

 In life, we always make irrational decisions. Sometimes we are given a choice. Other times, we are not. These decisions may lead you to something more terrifying and unexpected. “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare shows a perfect example. Romeo and Juliet make the wrong decisions that don’t only affect them, but others too. “Romeo and Juliet” is filled with tragedies and romance. Shakespeare shows how wrong decision can cause major consequences.  
One decision Romeo and Juliet made was to get married. Marriage doesn’t sound detrimental. But it doesn’t sound great either if your parents are rivals. The Montagues (Romeo’s family) and the Capulets (Juliet’s family) were enemies for a very long time. Romeo and Juliet knew that perfectly but that didn’t stop them from getting married. Their love for each other led them to that decision and they believed marriage will keep them together forever. “As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine, and all combined, save what thou must combine by holy marriage.” (2.3.63-65) so what Romeo is trying to say is that they are perfect for each other and they need to get married. They may be perfect for each other, but they should’ve thought about what might happen after they were married. Eventually, it all leads up to death. If Romeo and Juliet never met, they wouldn’t have been married. Romeo would probably still be sulking over Rosaline and Juliet will be married to Paris. Even though they don’t want that, it’s way better than losing your life. Even if they prefer death, I still think getting married was a bad decision.
Another bad decision Juliet made was drinking the vial instead of marrying Paris. She believed that after drinking the vial, everyone will think that she’s dead, Romeo will come for her, and her life will be perfect from then on. But things didn’t go as planned. Romeo wasn’t aware of her plan and when he found out she was“dead”, he killed himself. Juliet believed that marrying Paris would ruin her marriage with Romeo. “I pray you, tell my lord and father, madam, I will not marry yet, and when I do I swear it shall be Romeo, whom you know I hate, rather than Paris.” (3.5.125-128). Juliet doesn’t actually hate Romeo. She was talking to her mother and she didn’t want her mother to know that they were married. I don’t think the Capulets, nor the Montagues, would accept that fact that their children are married. So Lady Capulet thinks that her daughter despises Romeo. And Juliet claims that she’d rather marry Romeo, whom she “hates”, than Paris. And her hate for Romeo is just an excuse for not marrying Paris. And she only wanted to be with Romeo. Therefore, she drank the vial. If she didn’t, she would have been married to Paris. But there are many other ways she could’ve gotten out of it. She could’ve ran away or have Romeo pick her up when everyone’s asleep. Instead, she took a risk, and drank the vial, which led to something worse.
A decision Romeo made, that wasn’t so clever, was to kill himself, when he found Juliet “dead”. He didn’t know that she drank the vial, so when he thought she was dead, he poisoned himself. He chose to do this because he loves Juliet and his love for her pulled him towards that decision. He insisted that he’d stay with her forever; “For fear of that I still will stay with thee and never from this palace of dim night depart again. Here, here will I remain with worms that are thy chambermaids. O, here will I set up my everlasting rest.” (5.3.106-110) What Romeo is trying to say is that he will stay with her forever no matter how bad it is down there in the tomb. Not even fear can chase him out of there. Therefore, he killed himself so he can be with Juliet eternally. “Here’s to my love. [Drinking] O true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.” (5.3. 119-120).  In my opinion, I think it was very kind of Romeo to take his life so he can be with Juliet. But at the same time, it’s unfortunate because she wasn’t really dead. If only she woke up in time.
Romeo and Juliet make decisions that turn out to be wrong, because their love for each other forces them into it. And these decisions may lead to more challenging choices. Romeo and Juliet decided to get married. Then that led to Juliet drinking the vial instead of marrying Paris. And that led to Romeo and Juliet killing themselves. They aren’t the only ones in the world that make mishandles decisions. Everyone does at least once in a life time. Even I made a few bad decisions. Some may be as serious and challenging as Romeo’s and Juliet’s. Others aren’t. But either way, everyone makes senseless choices.