Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Favorite Book Entry

One of my favorite book is “The Child Called It”. In this book there was a mom that loved all of her children. She took them to the Water Park and lakes. She treated each son equally. One day she just snapped at one of the boys, the youngest one. She didn’t let him talk to his brothers and every morning he had to do chores for his mom. She forced him to sleep in the basement and eat left over cereal from his brother’s bowl.  At one point she starved him so much he started to steal food from his classmates. When the mom found out she flipped. She punched and slapped him. He started to steal food from the store and steal raw meat from the cafeteria. When he came home the mom will stick her fingers into his mouth until he vomited. She then forced him to eat the vomit. The only food she gave him was poop from his younger brother’s diaper. This book is really sad and depressing. The mom has rights to discipline her children if they did something bad, but starving them, beating them senseless, and even stabbing them is going too far. The saddest part about it is that the dad new but didn’t do anything about it. He just left her and his family. It’s sad knowing that this really happened. I think the mom beats her child because of something that happened in her childhood, or maybe she just decided that it will be fun to get drunk every morning and abuse her child. I’m guessing the dad left because he didn’t want to be part of it, but at least take his child with him and away from his abusive mom. He just left without telling anyone. Maybe he was afraid of his wife. The little boy still thought his mom loved him after the mom harassed him. Its sad knowing that in real life a lot of little kids get harassed by their parents. 

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